The extraordinary communicative capacity of music combined with the dynamism of images can make the works of art, history and cultural sub-stantia of a place perceive in a unique and deep way. The will is to valorise the beauty of the area in which I live to enhance its aesthetic magnificence: add beauty to beauty, interacting in a contemporary way with works of art and history, to tell it through that creative modernity that has always characterized our land.
VAJONT - LA FINE DI UN' EPOCA The and of an age
Vajont - La fine di un'epoca or The end of an age is a multimedia work. It consists of a piece of music, a photo reportage with a narrative text and a video.
If you want to buy the book, please write to:
or visit the web site of CIERRE Edizioni
The book is also available in English.
or visit the web site of CIERRE Edizioni
The book is also available in English.

Vajont - La fine di un'epoca. The end of an age CIERRE Edizioni
Through the privileged photographic language, this book tells the story of the tension, pain and deprivation suffered by the population of Longarone, Erto and Casso and the areas surrounding the Vajont Dam. I wanted to give voice to the direct experiences of the survivors, telling the facts through a poetic perspective and underlining the attachment to life, the love for their own land and the will to preserve their own roots. The intent is not to narrate once again what happened, but to use historical memory to make people understand the relationship between man, his neighbor and the environment and to generate in each of us a sense of profound respect for living beings.
If you want to see th short film, please write to:,
or ask for the You Tube's link
or the password to see it onFilmfreeway.
Alternatively, buy the book and access it through the QR Code contained within.
or ask for the You Tube's link
or the password to see it onFilmfreeway.
Alternatively, buy the book and access it through the QR Code contained within.

Vajont - La fine di un'epoca. The and of an age Short Film
The short film tells, through the symbolic use of images, what happened on the night of October 9, 1963 at the Vajont Dam. The narrative text develops using material and natural elements present in the environment that today appear as the result of the dynamic transformation developed by the sliding of Mount Toc into the reservoir. The guitar music, composed and played by me, has the task of leading the viewer through the phases of the narration: the construction of the dam for the dominion of the water; the breaking of the natural elements; the reversal of perspectives for which the water that was supposed to be a source of life now returns death; the dam that becomes the limit before and after which every element transforms into its opposite; the arrival of a new dawn that reveals incurable wounds and leaves the survivors an empty legacy, in which every instant of their past is confined in a parallel and unattainable dimension. Overall, this work elects music as a fundamental element of artistic, historical and social cohesion. It goes beyond the transcendental and metaphysical aspect that it usually embodies, to immerse itself in a real dimension, made of concrete things and, through a sort of "sacrifice", transfigures the shreds of matter left by the passage of the wave and promotes them to share their own metaphysical reality from which they were previously excluded.
To learn more The and of an age - Filmfreeway
The music is a tribute to all those men who found themselves forced to live the horror of the war and to whom nothing remained but to evoke their inner song before their last breath.
A very special thanks to Bezzo family to let us recording in this churc.
- di RUGGINE e SANGUE – 26×90, Ink on paper; Front
- di RUGGINE e SANGUE – 26×90, Ink on paper; Back
Limited Edition
- di Ruggine e Sangue, Publication
- di Ruggine e Sangue, Publication
- di Ruggine e Sangue, Score, Original and Printed version
- di Ruggine e Sangue, Score, Original and Printed version, Back
- A. Murer: Drowing for Monumento ai Caduti, 1968
- di Ruggine e Sangue, Score, Original, Signature
LA TELA DI PENELOPE is a work of synaesthetic synthesis in which sound, color and movement converge within the same dynamic emotional flow. Thought, feeling and will cooperate in order to cut out that part of reality that aesthetically distinguishes itself from the background noise that surrounds it, in order to restore a strong and coherent world, free of superfluous, but not devoid of those contrasts that are essential for its development. The video, shot inside a wool mill, has many references to the musical score. A first and most evident level is that between the musical rhythm and the movement of the machines. The second is characterized by the relationship between the graphic sign that the notation leaves on the score and the images that flows before our eyes. It is carried out both according to quantitative criteria of a numerical type and qualitative criteria of a dynamic-directional type. The third and last level is the evocative one and concerns the relationship between the musical instrument and the textile instrument. Strings, mechanics, wires, frames, mechanical components and movements typical of instrumental typing mix together synergetically, mutually amplifying their energy value. A consideration must be made regarding the genesis of the work. Music and videos are entirely made by the author, starting from the initial stage of composing the music, to the audio recording of the tracks, video footage, to the final editing stage. Since my artistic research is aimed at the synaesthetic aspects of art, I believe that it is necessary, as far as possible, that the artist controls and manages all the creative elements of which the work itself is composed. Since my artistic research is aimed by the synaesthetic aspects of art, I believe that it is necessary, as far as possible, that the artist controls and manages all the creative elements of which the work itself is composed.
A special thanks goes to the Bottoli family for their kind availability